AMOS HEATER, farmer; P. O. Havana; is a son of Jacob Heater, of Pennsylvania; born in 1790,and died in 1863; was a farmer, and married Elizabeth Bulden; she was born in 1793, and died in 1866. The subject of this sketch was born in 1818, in Berks Co., Penn.; in 1842, he moved to Mason Co., Ill., and engaged in farming for two years, and then worked on a steamboat on the Mississippi River for one year. In 1846, he was married to Rebecca Bailer, diughter of Philip Bailer; she was born in 1827, in Pennsylvania, and came to Illinois in 1845. After marriage, they rented for four years, and, by frugally saving their means, together with the little talent (50 cents) which they began with, they were then enabled to purchase a piece of land which now contains 200 acres; it was then raw prairie, but now has become one of fine quality, and of good improvement. Mr. Heater makes a specialty of raising hedge plants, and has on hand thousands of fine quality; they have had eleven children, the living are Augustus, Jennie, Ninnetta, Catharine, Jacob, Fannie, Perry, Adelbert; three are dead. Mr. Heater has held offices of Constable and School Director and Treasurer. He and wife are members of the M. E. Church, also all the family belong; he has also been Superintendent of Sabbath schools and taught classes.